
Saturday, January 18, 2014

Super Soul Saturday

Part of a tattoo studio’s ambience (beyond the requisite smell & look of cleanliness, of course) is the music. It permeates the space and enfolds the occupants, maintaining the day’s mood. Today is Super Soul Saturday (first time designation for that particular alliteration, but perhaps today marks the start of a weekly tradition (hope! hope!)) Thus far I’ve recognized Norah Jones, Ronnie Milsap, Rod Stewart, Melissa Etheridge, Justin Timberlake. Any minute now, I’ve no doubt that Frank Sinatra will filter through — and then again — and again and again and again — again, again …. If you’re thinking fetish, then know that’s exactly what I’m suspecting, too.

Other than this moment in time, any other day could be filled with show tunes or country-and-western ditties. Some days are nothing but head-banger ballads and whatnot (i.e., scottyshitty); some are all jazz and blues or R&B, and every now and again there might be some contemporary rock and pop or even reggae. Oftentimes, new and obscure talent radiates through the rafters. Bruno Mars and Alabama Shakes, for example, were standards at the Arsenal long before either group made radio waves or debuted on late night. And then there’s the new-age-ska-punk-emo-deathmetal-whathaveyou music. Pretty much everything except a day’s dose of rap, which I’ll reveal is, indeed, my all-time favorite. I absolutely love moving to the beat and mouthing dirty words without penalty. But I’ve digressed.

Whatever the genre, this anecdotalist and fellow Arsenal inhabitants are subjected to the all-encompassing beats and rhythms that pervade the studio. Our physiological affects reflect the subtle manipulation of the music’s timbre, aligning our mood with that of the artists in residence; that is, those who selected the music in the first place.

A synergy is established and the day soulfully plays itself out.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

A Sucker for Kids

Arsenal owner and operator, Cliff Collard, LOVES little people. Granted, "little people" is the vernacular of this anecdotalist, but the enthusiastic passion denoted in the underlined and bold capital letters is all Cliff. Emphasis his. In fact, Cliff's adoration for children knows no bounds.
And I reckon that's as it should be.
So for Historic Downtown Bryan's First Friday Part II, Cliff painted faces on the young — whiskers, musical instruments, and animals of all species extant and otherwise. "Now this might be a little cold," he'd say sitting poised with colored brush. "Are you ready?"
Once done, Cliff would pass a hand-held mirror to his most recent favorite customer of all time. Oohs and aaahs followed and then, "Now how about a piece of candy? Would you like something sweet for sitting so well?"
After work, Cliff talked the whole night long about how much he enjoyed the endeavor, recalling names and activities the kiddos talked about ... even laughing about all the lil' sticky hands running around our gallery.
We can hardly wait until February's First Friday — decorating sugar cookies and enjoying a live musical performance from local high schoolers. Plan to join us!